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The New York Times:

Myths and Misconceptions about Eating Disorders

Ayanna Bates accepts the role as the Project HEAL NYC Chapter Ambassador. Project HEAL is a non profit  organization that raises funds for those in need of eating disorder treatment. Bates is fulfilling this role to bring mental health awareness to her community.

Ayanna Bates was invited to a two day conference where she shares her inspiration for writing which led to her becoming an author. Attendees of the conference also participated in a workshop facilitated by Bates, titled, Journaling: The How's and the Why's.

Ayanna Bates' sound bite of WJMS Radio interview; she speaks on the stigma surrounding mental health.

Ayanna Bates performs her cover of Hotel California, by The Eagles, live!

Ayanna Bates was interviewed by Scholastic Magazine to highlight the stigma and misconceptions one can face when seeking help for an eating disorder.

Ayanna Bates was a guest speaker at a Queens, NY elementary school in a community she grew up in. She talked to students about what it means to be an author and the power of words. 

Ayanna Bates lead a writing workshop at a Queens library, catered to teens who were interested in writing and/or were aspiring authors. Bates shared her insight of self publishing and what it takes to write/market a book.

Ayanna Bates was featured in an Huffington Post article to highlight her journey as an Author and how she uses her words to spread awareness of mental illness.

July 2017

December 2017

May 2017

March 2017

February 2017

August 2016

May 2016

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